Monday 27 January 2014

Wales VS Tonga

Our school went on a trip to the Wales VS Tonga match in the Millennium stadium however before that we stopped on the way in McDonalds where we went for a delicious meal. When we got to the stadium we found our seats and got prepared to watch the match. Then the Tongans came on to do the hilarious Haka then the game began. Before you could say they are going to lose they had won plus everyone in the stadium did the Mexican wave and so did we because Wales had won. Unfortunately we had to leave so we walked back to catch the bus and we had a shock, it was not there! So we had to wait for 1 whole hour until it came and on the way back we sang Christmas songs it was really fun.

By Seren Edwards yr6 


Art Week

For art week the children of Mr. Coles class yr 5/6 made volcanoes as a link to their topic 'Lost' where they had been learning about St. Lucia. They started by making a base with cardboard and a plastic bottle, and then started covering it with papier mache. The children repeated this for a few days and then finally began to paint. After everyone finished, the volcanoes looked radiant and it’s safe to say the whole class thoroughly enjoyed creating them.

By Catrin and Eleanor

Return to school

 We are very excited (as I’m sure are you) to have the children return to school on Monday 15 th March 2021. We would like to settle the chi...